
Showing posts from January 28, 2024

Zone 16 Review

ZONE 16 EP release by Nigerian rap artist, Socket. This project is a culmination of Socket's raw style in the rap game, showcasing his versatility as an artist. This EP is set to be released on January 12, 2024 and it features three distinct tracks, each with its own story and message. Zone 16 Album Cover TRACK REV IEWS I SAID : a powerful anthem and the first track on this EP filled with raw and hard-hitting lyrics. Socket's delivery on this track is unmatched, as he said the purpose of this track is to remind the young men out there that there are better things in life to invest time and energy to. This track was produced by Socket Entertainment. The visual of this track is also set to be out officially on YouTube on the 19-01-2024. CAN’T LOVE:  This track is more of a personal approach, delving into Socket's experiences with love and relationships. This song he said was recorded out of the remembrance of his past experiences when trying to find love. The lyric of this tr